
Sunday, January 06, 2008

Season 5 of The Wire started today, and since our apartment recently got HBO, I'll be able to keep up during this season. It was less than a year ago that I was reading the reviews and contemplating watching the series.

Since then, I've seen all 4 seasons and it's the best television series I've ever seen.

The thing that stands out about the show is that there are so many great characters that are developed with tremendous detail, even if they only have minor roles.

The other great thing about the show is that the stories aren't one-sided and don't have Hollywood endings. Instead, the show paints a vivid picture about the challenges that cops, drug dealers, port workers, politicians, teachers, students, or reporters might have in a city where resources are very limited and your reward for making the right choice is to get shot in the leg.

As you can imagine, the show isn't for everyone. The show can be chilling at times and you sometimes start to wonder how reforms ever overcome the obstacles of stagnancy in any walk of life.

Since the story is told with such detail, the pace is slower than other dramas, and your gratification is usually delayed.

And it's a much richer experience if you can start from Season 1 so that you understand everyone's character in context. But of course, it's pretty difficult to commit to watching 50 hours of TV for the first 4 seasons and it's not like everyone has the DVDs easily accessible.

Still, if you have the time, access, patience, and mental fortitude, it's an investment that grows over time. And yes, I realize I'm talking about a TV show...


It's a TV show, but it's probably the most non-fiction fiction TV series out there. I wouldn't be surprised if stuff like that really happened in Baltimore ... and that's after I watched only season one! Take it from me ... I live in what they call "Charm City".

By Blogger Sunny Park, at Tue Jan 08, 04:08:00 PM  

damn... i never knew you could read so eloquently. this is how i feel about les miserables, but times 10X.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wed Jan 09, 05:32:00 PM  

This show rocks. I swear it's like Sunny said, it feels like real life. The acting, the writing, top notch. Having said that, this season is getting off to a little uneven start. Like all the drug stuff and it was great seeing Marlo and Avon chop it up. But I don't know what's going on with McNulty and the Sun newsroom scenes seem a little too black and white. Someone wrote that this season is getting too preachy. I hope that doesn't keep up. This shows doesn't need sermons, you know what the score is without long speeches.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Fri Jan 18, 04:19:00 PM  

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